Our system TRAMQA

TRAMQA is a unique and simple automatic control system package that generates qualitive data in a fast and effective way. All our testing machines are installed with the TRAMQA software control system where a PC follows. For every solution, the TRAMQA software will be implemented to create easy operation of the test machine and automatic calculation and storage of the data.


It is within the software that all our skills and competencies are being used. Our focus is on generating an automatic testing solution that gives our customers the correct results. As a result, we strive to be the best within our field. This gives our customers the best possible outcome when they buy a machine from us.

TRAMQA is specifically installed and created for our test machines. Therefore, you will always be able to generate and collect any testing results and store them within a database. It is also possible to integrate TRAMQA with your ERP system.

The TRAMQA offers a fast and effective way of generating and presenting a quality report. It gives the user instant access to reports on any previously tested sample. Besides from the strength, test results can be included in the quality report.

The TRAMQA software offers a simple way to incorporate all relevant quality parameters in a spreadsheet that can be set up virtually for any application. Ideally, the software is suited for quality assurance and process control as well as research and development. It is able to perform a wide range of complex testing procedures and can be set up for relevant international or national standards.